Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Navajo Tacos

This is great to do for dinner on the night you make bread.  Very yummy and my kids love it.

1 lb hamburger
Taco Seasoning
1 can drained, black beans
Lettuce, chopped
Tomatoes, chopped
Anything else you like on tacos

*  Heat up oil in fry pan.  Pinch off small pieces of dough and spread out on greased surface using your fingers.  You can make them as big or as small as you want.  Put them in oil and fry until light brown on each side.  Drain on paper towels.

* Meanwhile, cook hamburger thoroughly, breaking into small pieces.  Add seasonings and black beans.  Then take your scone and layer on each topping.  Meat, cheese, sourcream, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and any other toppings you enjoy.
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