Monday, October 12, 2009

South of the Snake River Salsa

This is my salsa recipe that I can every year.  My husband loves it so much that he drinks it.

12 pounds roma tomatoes (any others will make it very runny)
4 onions
22 jalapenos
5-6 green bell peppers
3 c. white vinegar
3 large garlic cloves
1/2 c. salt
1/2 c. sugar
2 cans 12oz. tomato paste

* Grind, puree or chop all your vegetables.  We grind or blend them up at our house because my kids don't like chunks.  A note on the jalapenos.  Everyone is different so it could be roasting hot with 15 or very mild with 22.  I usually take out the seeds of every other pepper to reduce the hotness.  Remember you can always add more pepers if it is too mild and don't forget to wear gloves when working with the jalapenos.

* Put everything in thick-bottomed pot (I use my pressure cooker because it has such a thick bottom and it will hold a double recipe of salsa).  Add vinegar, garlic, salt, sugar and tomato paste.  Simmer on stove 1-2 hours, the longer you let it cook, the thicker it will be.

* Process 15 mins for pints.
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