Monday, October 5, 2009

Spanish Rice

This is my favorite spanish rice recipe.  Full of taste and so yummy!

2 c. white rice
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large green pepper, chopped
1 can stewed tomatoes, drained (save juice)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/8 t. garlic salt
2 T. Knorr Tomato boullion with chicken flavor (found in the mexican section)
3/4 t. cumin
Chicken stock + saved tomato juice to equal 4 c.

* In large pan, put in rice and enough canola oil that each grain is covered, but not in excess.  Put on medium heat, stirring constantly until rice is lightly toasted.  Add onion, green pepper and garlic.  Cook until tender.  Add stewed tomatoes.  Spread rice in pan until flat, sprinkle boullion, garlic salt and cumin over rice.  Add chicken stock.  Do not stir.  Put lid on and cook on low for 30 min.  Do not take lid off until done.  Serve.
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